Jim first worked as a technical writer in 1993 at Aldus Corporation (acquired by Adobe Systems), and prior to that was a contributor to technical publications such as Real World FreeHand and PageMaker TechNotes. After leaving Adobe, Jim authored content for Microsoft featured on their Training and Certification web site in 1996-97, and has since contributed his writing skills to several web projects. He was also a featured author for Adobe Magazine, writing an article focusing on improving the performance of Adobe PageMaker for Macintosh and Windows.

Web Site Authoring

Jim Cutler (https://jcutler.com)

All content on Jim’s personal website is authored and edited by Jim, with the exception of personnel biographical information, which was written by each band member and edited by Jim.

Northwest Music Mentors (https://northwestmusicmentors.org)

All material on the Northwest Music Mentors web site is authored and edited by Jim.

Press Authoring

Jim has authored numerous press and informational documents for himself, his bands, and organizations he is related to. Samples are available from the Press page.